‘Gesture Anthology’
This gesture anthology documents the embodied knowledge there is when manipulating and caring for hair. It exalts the relationship between hair and hand
movements that are equally performed when manipulating fibres.
Hair filaments, just like textile fibres are combed, entangled, braided, and unbraided.
By crafting quotidian hair gestures, this video magnifies the synergy between the hand and
the filament when braiding and knotting to express the deep connection hair holds with
the body’s memory, femininity and identity.
The braid as a sculptural form carries a dialogue between the filament and the body.
Having the power to hold, it grips the fibre with both strength and softness.
Hair, as a storehouse for emotional memory, has the power to reveal our lifestyle,
our deepest emotions, where we come from, our cultural roots and DNA.
These soft sculptures explore weight, volume and movement with wool
dyed with henna and natural products used for hair color enhancement.